شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityMustard-seed oil
Policy CategoryOther
Policy InstrumentFood standards
DescriptionBanned blending of any kind of edible oil with mustard-seed oil from 8 June 2021 onwards, in a bid to i) end the practice of selling vegetable oil blends as pure mustard oil; and ii) ensure that mustard seed growers receive remunerative prices and remain motivated to expand cultivation. Furthermore, modified its food safety standards related to peanut butter, shea butter and Borneo tallow nut oil.
NotesINDIA – food standards – blending prohibition: India’s food standards regulator FSSAI banned blending of any kind of edible oil with mustardseed oil from 8 June 2021 onward. The measure is aimed at both i) ending the practice of selling vegetable oil blends as pure mustard oil and ii) ensuring that growers of the crop receive remunerative prices and remain motivated to expand cultivation.