شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentSector development measures
DescriptionJul-21 to Aug-21: Renewed its efforts to promote oil-palm cultivation in Telangana state, providing i) financial support to farmers setting up oil-palm plantations; and ii) supporting the establishment of nurseries and processing units. Also supported research into new varieties of groundnut with high oleic acid content and aflatoxin resistance.
NotesINDIA – Sector development measures (oil palm): Renewing its efforts to promote oil palm cultivation in Telangana state (see MPPU Sep.’20), the local Government plans to establish oil palm cultivation on 800 000 hectares in 2022/23. According to the media, the Government agreed to providing growers with INR 10 500 per hectare (USD 141) in the first year of farming and INR 2 000 (USD 27) each in the second and third years. In addition, the Government committed to support the establishment of nurseries and palm oil processing units.