شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentProduction support
DescriptionAs part of efforts to raise productivity levels among small-scale oil-palm plantations, supported partnerships between selected oil-palm companies and cooperatives of small growers established to undertake replanting activities.
NotesINDONESIA – agricultural policy (oil palm rejuvenation): As part of its efforts to raise productivity in small-scale oil palm plantations, the Government decided to support a partnership between oil palm companies and cooperatives of small growers to undertake replanting activities. Reportedly, the initiative covers an area of 18 800 hectares across four provinces – which compares to a nation-wide, annual target of 180 000 hectares in 2021 (see also MPPU Nov.’19 & Apr.’21).