شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
AreaNew Zealand
Commodity GroupBiofuels
Policy CategoryRenewable energy
Policy InstrumentBioenergy policies
DescriptionAgreed in principle to introduce, in 2023, nationwide biofuel consumption mandates to reduce GHG emissions from transport. Under the proposed mandates, fuel suppliers would be required to reduce the GHG emissions from transport fuels by a defined percentage each year. Biofuels would need to meet sustainability criteria to certify that they do not impact food production or indigenous biodiversity.
NotesNEW ZEALAND – biofuel policy: In June, the Government agreed in principle to introduce nationwide biofuel mandates to reduce GHG emissions from transport. Back in 2008, the Government passed a law requiring fuel suppliers to sell a certain percentage of biofuels, which, however, was repealed before it came into effect. Under the newly proposed mandates, which would take effect in 2023, fuel suppliers would be required to reduce the GHG emissions from transport fuels by a defined percentage each year. The mandates would apply to all transport fuels, including domestic aviation fuel.. The Government plans to encourage the use of advanced feedstock and hydro-treated vegetable oils as opposed to feedstock derived directly from agricultural crops. The Government’s proposal assumes that biofuels would be imported for the majority of the volume required at least into the medium term. Meanwhile, the Government would explore whether forestry waste could be used to expand the use of homegrown biofuels. The Government expects to finalize its proposal at the end of a public consultation process.