شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityEdible oils/fats
Policy CategoryOther
Policy InstrumentFood safety standards
DescriptionIllustrated plans for the elimination, by 2023, of industrially produced transfatty acids (TFAs) from the country’s food supply chain. Specifically, the production, import and distribution for commercial sale of industrially produced TFAs (as well as processed foods containing TFAs) would be banned.
NotesTHE PHILIPPINES – Food standards & health policies (trans fat): In June, the Department of Health issued an administrative order illustrating its policy for the elimination of industrially produced TFAs from the country’s food supply chain by 2023, including provisions for a transitory period of two years. The order is aimed at banning the production, import and distribution for commercial sale of industrially produced TFAs and processed food products containing TFAs. Specifically, the ban will apply to: (i) PHOFs to be consumed alone or used in preparation of processed food products; (ii) oils and fats made from or blended with PHOFs; and (iii) oils and fats with TFA content greater than 2g/100g of total fat.