شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
AreaSri Lanka
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryConsumption and marketing
Policy InstrumentPrice controls
DescriptionRepealed a May 2020 order that set maximum retail prices (MRPs) for various rice qualities and stipulated that the MRP for Keeri Samba would be set at LKR 125 (USD 0.62) per kg. For steamed Samba (white/red, excepting Suduru Samba), the MRP was set at LKR 103 (USD 0.51), for steamed Nadu (white/red, excepting Mottaikarupan and Attakari) at LKR 98 (USD 0.48), and for white/red raw rice at LKR 95 (USD 0.47) per kg. In addition, it barred importers, suppliers, producers, distributors and traders from levying any charge on these rice qualities when selling, other than their price per weight. The decision took immediate effect.
NotesExchange rate as of 15 October 2021.