شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentProduction support, support prices
DescriptionAdjusted prices offered under the Guaranteed Prices for Basic Foodstuffs Programme (Programa precios de garantía a productos alimentarios básicos) during the 2022 fiscal year. For smallholders cultivating up to eight hectares during the 2021/22 spring-summer and autumn-summer crop cycles, guaranteed prices were set at MXN 7 300 (USD 363) per tonne for up to 80 tonnes, while for other rice producers they would be set at MXN 6 760 (USD 336 per tonne) for up to 120 tonnes. These prices compare to the MXN 6 120 (USD 304) per tonne level applicable during the 2021 run of the programme.
NotesExchange rate as of 15 May 2022.