شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentProduction support, support prices
DescriptionUnveiled the Program to Combat Food Price Inflation and Scarcity (Paquete Contra la Inflación y la Carestía - PACIC), designed to stabilise prices of necessities and bolster food production. Interventions to support domestic food production contemplate continued state assistance under the Guarantee Prices for Basic Foodstuffs, the Sowing Life (Programa Sembrando Vida) and the Production for Well-being (Programa producción para el bienestar) programmes, as well as expanding the coverage of subsidized fertilizer distribution under the Fertilizer for Wellness Programme (Programa Fertilizantes para el Bienestar) from five to nine states, supporting organic fertilizer production and suspending countervailing quotas on ammonium sulfate imports for one year.