شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentProduction support
DescriptionAs part of a broader agricultural support package for farmers cultivating crops during the 2023/24 season, approved the extension of a TRY 2710 (USD 138) per hectare assistance to rice producers to help them cover fuel and fertilizer costs, up 257 percent from the assistance provided in 2022/23. As in previous years, additional assistance would come in the form of a variable outlay of TKY 250-350 (USD 12.7-17.8) per tonne for the use of certified seeds and a production premium payment of TKY 100 (USD 5.1) per tonne, to be extended on the condition that good agricultural practices are followed.
NotesExchange rate as of 15 May 2023.