شعبة الأسواق والتجارة
AreaViet Nam
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryTrade
Policy InstrumentExport strategy
DescriptionApproved a rice export market development strategy to 2030. The document lays out a target to reduce rice exports to 4.0 million tonnes by 2030. Under the strategy, the structure of rice shipments would be adjusted such that by 2026–2030 deliveries of low and middle grade Indica rice would account for no more than 10 percent of overall exports, higher quality Indica rice for 15 percent, glutinous rice for 20 percent, fragrant, Japonica and other specialty rice, combined, for 45 percent, and other types for 10 percent. It would also aim to have the proportion of branded exports reach 40 percent by 2026–2030. In addition, by 2030, the country would seek to have the share of its shipments destined for Asia at 55 percent, for Africa at 23 percent, for the Middle East and Europe at 5 percent each, for the Americas at 8 percent and for Oceania at 4 percent.