Markets and Trade
AreaUnited Kingdom
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityAll edible oils
Policy CategoryConsumption and marketing
Policy InstrumentLabelling
DescriptionOpened infringement proceedings against the United Kingdom over its voluntary ‘traffic light’ nutritional labelling scheme.
NotesFollowing complaints by some EU food manufacturers (including edible oil producers), the EU Commission has opened infringement proceedings against the United Kingdom over its voluntary ‘traffic light’ nutritional labelling scheme. Enacted in an effort to fight obesity and help consumers make informed food choices, the scheme has attracted criticism by food manufacturers who claim that it could unduly affect their businesses by giving consumers an over simplistic and biased perception regarding the health properties of certain food products. The UK has been invited to demonstrate that the scheme offers clear, objective and scientifically sound nutritional guidance to consumers and that it does not negatively affect trade.