Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
Policy CategoryConsumption and marketing
Policy InstrumentMarket regulation
DescriptionExtended measures regulating national grain transportation until March 2015, in order to address logistical bottlenecks affecting the movement of grains/oilseeds to ports.
NotesBarring unexpected build-ups of grains at elevators in Western Canada, the government is set to let the minimum shipment requirement imposed on national railway companies expire on 29 November 2014 (see also MPPU Sep.’14). Strict regulations and controls had been introduced back in March this year, after a bumper harvest and severe winter led to major logistical problems. According to government officials, since the start of this year’s harvest, there have been no major bottlenecks in moving crops to the country’s ports. Hence the decision to end the regulatory measure.