Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityOlive oil
Policy CategoryConsumption and marketing
Policy InstrumentMarket regulation
DescriptionPassed legislation regulating quality and transparency in the virgin olive oil chain, in line with a new EU directive.
NotesIn line with a recently approved EU directive and following the examples of Spain and Portugal, legislation regulating the quality and transparency in the virgin olive oil chain has been passed in Italy. With regard to labelling, the new law requires clear indication of the origin when oils from more than one EU-state or any non-EU country are mixed. It also forbids to attribute organoleptic properties to oils other than extra virgin and virgin ones. Another important requirement concerns the use of non-refillable bottles in retail outlets and restaurants: virgin oils must be presented in labelled containers, equipped with suitable seals and provided with a system to prevent re-filling.