Markets and Trade
AreaUnited States of America
Commodity GroupBiofuels
Policy CategoryRenewable energy
Policy InstrumentBiodiesel policy
DescriptionGranted, in Iowa State, a tax break on sales of fuel blends containing at least 11 .percent of soy-based biodiesel, with a view to spur local biodiesel usage.
Notes In the State of Iowa, a new law raises taxes on diesel sales by USD 0.10 per gallon, but also provides for a USD 0.03 per gallon break for fuel blends containing at least 11 percent of soy-based biodiesel. The local biodiesel industry has welcomed the measure, saying that it will spur usage of biodiesel in the state. At federal level, the tax credit for biodiesel in place since 2004 was allowed to expire at the end of 2014 (see MPPU Jan.’15).