Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryOther
Policy InstrumentSector policy framework
DescriptionApproved the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022. According to the document, the Government would target to improve productivity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and increase economic opportunities for smallholders. Specific measures would include a color-coded agricultural map identifying the comparative advantage in production of the various regions, construction and rehabilitation of small-scale irrigation systems, enhancing access to agricultural machinery, equipment and extension services, as well as the promotion of crop diversification. Steps to increase smallholder’s access to markets and credit would also be taken, alongside capacity building, research and development, while agricultural insurance is promoted. In the case of rice, farm mechanisation would be encouraged in order to reduce production costs, with a focus on Ilocos Region, Central Luzon and MIMAROPA. The document also called for the replacement of quantitative restrictions on rice imports with tariffs, with proceeds accrued from import duties to be used as assistance to the rice sector.