Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityAgricultural crops, oilseeds
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentAgricultural Policy
DescriptionAnnounced cuts in the amount of subsidies provided to farmers in 2017, including reduced payments under the country\'s specific support programme for oilseeds.
NotesWhile the country’s main programmes in support of agricultural production are set to remain in place, the Government announced cuts in the amount of subsidies provided to individual farmers in 2017, providing the following details: i) under the country’s Pro-Oilseeds programme, support payments will drop from MXN 1 500 to MXN 700 per tonne of oilseeds produced (USD 83 to USD 39); ii) under PROAGRO, the flat rates per ha for arable crops will be lowered for commercial farms but not for subsistence farmers; and iii) the percentage of hedging operation costs receiving support will be reduced from 85 to 75 percent.