Markets and Trade
AreaUnited States of America
Commodity GroupBiofuels
Policy CategoryRenewable energy
Policy InstrumentBiofuel policy
DescriptionReleased a US court rule establishing that the methodology used by the country\'s Environmental Protection Agency to justify past reductions in biofuel consumption mandates was incorrect.
NotesDirectly related to the above, in July 2017, a US court ruled that the methodology used by EPA to justify past reductions in biofuel consumption mandates (relative to the statutory targets set by Congress) was incorrect. The ruling was made in response to a petition filed in 2016 by an alliance of biofuel advocacy groups. According to the court ruling, rather than taking into account renewable fuel supplies available to refiners and importers, EPA primarily considered biofuel demand expressed by consumers – a consideration not allowed under the relevant law. The ruling could force EPA to revise upward the consumption targets set for 2016. Reportedly, the court decision resulted in US renewable fuel credits climbing to multi-month highs, while share prices of mineral oil refiners dropped.