Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentSector development measures
DescriptionPresented new strategies to raise domestic oilcrop production over the next four years, with a view to helping to reduce the country’s dependence on edible oil imports.
NotesWith a view to help reduce the country’s dependence on edible oil imports, the Agricultural Ministry has proposed new strategies to raise domestic oilcrop production over the next four years. Measures envisaged include, in a large scale: i) the promotion of oilseed cultivation in non-traditional areas, cropping seasons and states; and ii) the introduction of oilseed production in rice fallow areas during the rabi season. The Ministry proposed to provide direct assistance worth INR 3 000 to 5 000 (USD 41 to 68) per hectare – in the form of agriculture inputs like seed, fertilizer and pesticides – to farmers who take up oilcrop production as an intercropping model. Recently, the Government decided to merge, from the current crop year, the National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm with its National Food Security Mission, whose former coverage was limited to rice, wheat and pulses.