Markets and Trade
AreaEuropean Union
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityOlive oil
Policy CategoryTrade
Policy InstrumentImport tariff
DescriptionProposed to raise temporarily the tariff rate quota for imports of olive oil from Tunisia into the EU.
NotesThe European Commission proposed to raise the tariff rate quota for imports of olive from Tunisia into the EU. Under the proposal, Tunisia’s annual duty-free import quota would be increased from 35 000 to 91 700 tonnes for 2016 and 2017. The initiative is aimed at supporting Tunisia’s economy in light of recent difficulties, including terrorist attacks earlier this year. Olive oil is Tunisia’s top agricultural export commodity to the EU and the olive sector is reported to employ one fifth of the country’s agricultural workforce. To come into force, the Commission’s proposal still requires formal approval by the European Parliament and the Council.