Markets and Trade
AreaEuropean Union
Commodity GroupBiofuels
Policy CategoryRenewable energy
Policy InstrumentBiofuel policy
DescriptionDetermined that US soybeans certified via the US’ voluntary Sustainability Assurance Protocol comply with the sustainability criteria contained in the EU’s Renewably Energy Directive, thereby allowing biodiesel produced from US soya to count towards the EU’s renewable energy targets.
NotesIn January, the European Commission determined that US soybeans certified via the US’ voluntary Sustainability Assurance Protocol comply with the sustainability criteria contained in the EU’s Renewably Energy Directive (RED). The recognition allows biodiesel produced from US soya to count towards the EU’s renewable energy targets, hence entailing eligibility for tax incentives. The US being the EU’s main soybean supplier, the decision could expand market opportunities for US soybeans inside the bloc. The approval shall apply until 30 June 2021; after that date, the US protocol would need to be modified to meet the requirements set out in the EU’s revised RED.