Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupMilk and dairy products
CommodityDairy products
Policy CategoryTrade
Policy InstrumentTrade agreement
DescriptionApproved the Free Trade Agreement with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), a regional trade organization and free trade area consisting of four European countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) after negotiations were completed in 2018. The treaty gives preferential Ecuadorian access to markets in the EFTA countries with zero duty. As a counterpart, Ecuador will deduct the tariff for EFTA products in a period ranging from 0 to 17 years. Dairy categories included in the tariff-free movements are liquid milk, skimmed milk powder, condensed milk, fermented dairy and yogurt, whey, butter, cheese (fresh, processed, grated or powdered, blue) and infant milk formula.