Markets and Trade
AreaUnited States of America
Commodity GroupBiofuels
Policy CategoryRenewable energy
Policy InstrumentBiofuel policy
DescriptionDetermined the volume of renewable fuels that would have to be supplied to the market. In the ‘advanced biofuel’ category, under which biodiesel qualifies, the requirement for 2020 was raised compared with 2019, while the 2021 volume for ‘biomass-based diesel’ was left unchanged from its 2020 level.
NotesUNITED STATES – biofuel policy (mandatory biofuel requirements): In December, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the volume of renewable fuels that will have to be supplied to the market in 2020 as well as the blending obligations for biomass-based biodiesel in 2021. As for ‘biomass-based diesel’, EPA confirmed that the 2021 requirement would remain unchanged from 2020, i.e. at 2.43 billion gallons. With regard to the ‘advanced biofuel’ category, under which biodiesel also qualifies, 5.09 billion gallons will be required in 2020 – up from the 2019 level of 4.92 billion gallons (and 170 million gallons above EPA’s initial proposal – see MPPU Sep.’19).