Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryConsumption and marketing
Policy InstrumentFood subsidies
DescriptionLaunched a special Open Market Sales (OMS) scheme to ensure that vulnerable urban dwellers have access to rice during the nationwide lockdown imposed to contain the spread of COVID-19. The OMS drive would cover all cities and district towns, allowing consumers to purchase up to 5 kg of rice at BDT 10 (USD 0.12) per kg per week. In subsequent moves, the OMS rice was made accessible to those consumers holding ration cards, further to being expanded to low income consumers not covered by the Food Friendly Programme and Vulnerable Group Development programmes, who were made eligible to receive up to 20 kg of rice per month at BDT 10 (USD 0.12) per kg.
NotesExchange rate as of 15 May 2020.