Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityPalm oil, palm oil-based biofuels
Policy CategoryTrade
Policy InstrumentTrade disputes
DescriptionAt the request of Indonesia, the WTO established a panel to review certain measures taken by the European Union on palm oil (–in particular the commodity’s classification as a biofuel feedstock with high environmental footprint–), citing alleged possible inconsistencies with international trade rules. Eighteen countries, including Malaysia and other producers and exporters of palm oil and palm oil-based fuel, reserved their third-party rights to participate in the proceedings.
NotesINDONESIA / EUROPEAN UNION – trade dispute (EU renewable energy policy): On 29 July, at the request of Indonesia, the WTO established a panel to review certain measures taken by the EU on palm oil and palm oil-based biofuels, citing alleged possible inconsistencies with provisions under the GATT 1994, the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. Eighteen countries, including Malaysia and other producers and exporters of palm oil and palm oil-based fuel, reserved their third-party rights to participate in the proceedings. (See also MPPU Jan’20)