Markets and Trade
AreaChina (Mainland)
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommoditySelect agricultural products (incl. soybeans)
Policy CategoryTrade
Policy InstrumentBilateral trade agreement
DescriptionAccording to an official US report analysing progress made in implementing the agricultural provisions of the China-United States Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement, China succeeded in raising its purchases of US agricultural products, reportedly reaching 71 percent of the target set under the agreement.
NotesUNITED STATES OF AMERICA / CHINA – trade dispute – Phase-one implementation: USDA issued a report analysing the progress made in implementing the agricultural provisions in the US-China Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement signed in January 2020 (see MPPU Jan.’20). According to the report, China has, inter alia, substantially raised its purchases of US agricultural products. Reportedly, by early October 2020, the country had purchased over USD 23 billion in agricultural products (including soybeans), fulfilling approximately 71 percent of its target under the Phase-one agreement. According to observers, it remained unclear to which period the estimate referred to.