Markets and Trade
AreaSouth Africa
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityOlive oil
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentSector development measures
DescriptionRaised the levy collected from importers, processors and producers of olives and olive oil with a view to supporting research projects, as well as consumer education and quality control/certification measures and other related activities.
NotesSector development measures – South Africa – olive oil: With a view to improve the viability of the country’s olive industry, in November, the Government raised the levy imposed on importers, processors and producers of olives and olive oil when they first sell their product. The new levy amounts to ZAR 0.08/kg for olives and ZAR 0.40/litre for olive oil (respectively 5.3 US cents and 2.6 US cents). Collected by a local industry body, the assessment will be used to fund research projects, quality control and certification, consumer education and other related activities.