Markets and Trade
AreaUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityAgricultural products
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentProduction sustainability/ environmental policies
DescriptionParliament started reviewing a new Environment Bill. The proposed legislation includes measures to tackle ‘imported deforestation’ associated with imports of products like cocoa, rubber, soybeans and palm oil. Under the draft bill, the use of commodities that were not produced in compliance with local laws protecting natural ecosystems would be banned, while due diligence would be required from local businesses, especially with regard to product sourcing.
NotesUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – environmental policies: After completion of a public comment period (see also MPPU Sep.’20), in November, the UK Environment Bill resumed passage through Parliament. Inter alia, the proposed legislation would support Government efforts to tackle “imported deforestation” stemming from UK imports of products like cocoa, rubber, soybeans and palm oil. Under the draft bill, greater due diligence would be required from the country’s businesses, while the use of commodities that have not been produced in compliance with local laws protecting forests and other natural ecosystems would be banned. Furthermore, businesses would need to be more transparent about where they source products from, and companies failing to comply would be subject to fines.