Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupBiofuels
Policy CategoryRenewable energy
Policy InstrumentBioenergy policies
DescriptionConfirmed that, from January 2022 onwards, the country’s biodiesel market would be gradually liberalized to guarantee the fuel’s supply and quality, while fostering free competition between market participants. The new trading model envisages a mix of the current public auctions system and trade in the spot market. In addition, imports of biodiesel would be allowed from January 2023.
NotesBRAZIL – biofuel policies – biodiesel trading: ANP, the authority responsible for regulating domestic biofuel production and trade, confirmed that the country’s biodiesel market would be gradually liberalized from January 2022 onwards to guarantee the fuel’s supply and quality, while fostering free competition between market participants (see also MPPU Nov.’20). The new trading model would envisage a mix of the current public auction system and trade in the spot market. Furthermore, imports of biodiesel would be allowed from January 2023.