Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityEdible oils
Policy CategoryOther
Policy InstrumentFood policies
DescriptionTriggered by strong increases in the prices of imported vegetable oils, the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade raised the price of edible oil sold under the public food distribution programme. Reportedly, national supplies and strategic reserves of edible oil continued to be adequate and would be monitored regularly.
NotesEGYPT – social policy / market regulation: Triggered by strong increases in the prices of imported vegetable oils, the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade raised the price of edible oil sold under the public food distribution programme. As of 1 June 2021, one-liter bottles were sold at EGP 21 (USD 1.34), i.e. 23.5 percent more than previously. Reportedly, Egypt’s vegetable oil requirements are covered almost entirely through imports by the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC), and more than 60 percent of the country’s population qualifies for the food subsidy programme. According to government sources, national supplies and strategic reserves of edible oil continued to be adequate and would be monitored regularly in consultation with concerned private sector entities.