Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommoditySunflower oil, sunflower seed
Policy CategoryTrade
Policy InstrumentImport policy
DescriptionConcerned about persistently high domestic food prices, lowered the ad valorem import tariff for sunflower oil to 10 percent – compared with the customary rate of 36 percent. Also informed that the duty exemption for sunflower seed – originally scheduled to expire on 30 June 2021 – would remain in place until further notice.
NotesTURKEY – import policy: Following a 4-month suspension (see MPPU Apr.’21), import duties for sunflower oil have been reinstated on 1 July. Concerned about persistently high domestic food prices, the Government set the import tariff at 10 percent – as opposed to the customary rate of 36 percent. Furthermore, the Government informed that the duty exemption for sunflowerseed – originally meant to expire on 30 June – would remain in place until further notice. Although Turkey’s sunflowerseed production is expected to recover from last year’s decline, domestic supplies are anticipated to fall short of requirements also in 2021.