Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentSector development measures
DescriptionAs part of its National Palm Oil Project, supported the establishment of oil-palm plantations on Buvuma Island in Lake Victoria. The project enjoyed funding from the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
NotesSector development measures – Uganda – oil palm: A joint venture between the Government, industry and farmers set out to establish new oil palm plantations on Buvuma Island in Lake Victoria. Out of a planned 7 500 hectares, 5 000 hectares will be dedicated to a nucleus estate while the remainder will be allocated to smallholder farmers. The investment is part of the National Palm Oil Project – an initiative of Uganda’s Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries that received funding from the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development. (See also MPPU May’19 & Mar.’20)