Markets and Trade
AreaUnited States of America
Commodity GroupOilseeds, oils and meals
CommodityOilseed products
Policy CategoryTrade
Policy InstrumentTrade differences
DescriptionAs part of talks aimed at resolving their 17-year-long aviation industry trade dispute, the United States and the EU agreed to suspend – for 5 years – all retaliatory tariffs applied to each other’s exports, including corrective import duties collected on selected oilcrop products.
NotesUNITED STATES OF AMERICA / EUROPEAN UNION – Trade differences (aviation industry): In June, the EU and US conducted fresh talks aimed at resolving their 17-year-long aviation industry trade dispute. A new agreement reached between the two sides included the suspension – for five years – of all retaliatory tariffs applied to each other’s exports. The corrective import tariffs that were in place until earlier this year concerned a number of oilcrop and oilcrop product tariff lines. (See also MPPU Sep’20 & Jan./Apr.’21)