Markets and Trade
AreaChina (Mainland)
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentProduction support, crop insurance, support prices
DescriptionOutlined a set of measures to support production of grains, including rice, during the 2022 season. Among others, such measures would entail extending subsidies for fertility conservation; providing one-time outlays to grain producers to help them cope with increases in prices of agricultural inputs; supporting the development of 6.67 million hectares of high-standard farmland; revitalizing the seed industry; assisting the purchase and use of agricultural machinery; promoting industrial chains that integrate production, processing, technology, and marketing through the construction of grain and oil production clusters and industrial parks; providing subsidies for rice, maize and soybean output; increases in government purchase prices of rice and wheat; rewards for master grain-producing countries; offering higher subsidies for crop insurance premiums in the central, western and northeastern areas; and introducing full-cost insurance and income insurance for rice, wheat and maize in master grain-producing counties of major grain-producing provinces.