Markets and Trade
Commodity GroupRice
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentGovernment procurement, purchasing prices
DescriptionGave the state-owned enterprise, Bulog, some flexibility concerning the price it could pay to purchase locally produced rice until 30 June 2024, in order to enable it to step-up domestic procurement. Accordingly, Bulog could pay IDR 6 000 per kg of wet paddy (USD 360 per tonne), IDR 7 400 per kg (USD 444 per tonne) of dry paddy and IDR 11 000 per kg (USD 660 per tonne) of milled rice purchased at its warehouses. These levels compare to the government purchase prices of IDR 5 000-5 100, IDR 6 200-6 300, IDR 9 950 per kg (USD 300-306, 372-378, and 597 per tonne) set in March 2023, for wet paddy, dry paddy and milled rice purchased at its warehouses, respectively.
NotesExchange rate as of 15 May 2024.