Marchés et commerce
Commodity GroupBiofuels
Policy CategoryProduction
Policy InstrumentRenewable energy policy
DescriptionRaised mandatory blending of diesel transportation fuel with soyoil-based biodiesel from 8% to 10%.
NotesARGENTINA – biodiesel policy: The government decided to raise mandatory blending of diesel transportation fuel with soyoil-based biodiesel from formerly 8% to 10%. The new rate will apply from 1st January 2014 and also concerns fuel burned for power generation. The increase was introduced to compensate domestic biodiesel producers for European trade lost after the EU imposed strict anti-dumping duties on biodiesel imports from Argentina earlier this year. Once fully implemented, the higher rate is estimated to raise annual domestic biodiesel consumption by 450 000 tons. Private sources estimate current biodiesel consumption at no more than 850 000 tons per year. According to government officials, the sales price of blended fuels is going to remain unchanged. The government-set price is said to guarantees producers a fixed profit margin of 4%.