شعبة الأسواق والتجارة

Small Island Developing States Agricultural Production and Trade, Preferences and Policy

Commodities and Trade Technical Paper No. 7

Year of publication2005
AbstractThis report is meant to contribute to the continuing debate related to small states and their agriculture sectors in the multilateral trade framework. It looks at the specific challenges faced by small states and the importance of non-reciprocal preferences. It is felt that a clearer understanding of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) agricultural economies and trade and the often obscure effects of trade preferences on SIDS economic development is vital to identifying policies that will pro mote their sustainable development. This report seeks to contribute to this understanding by analysing the agricultural export performance of SIDS and evaluating the importance of their existing agricultural preferences. Four specific dimensions related to SIDS and their agricultural trade patterns, policy and performance are addressed. First, the report looks at what characterizes and differentiates SIDS and explores the possibility of categorizing SIDS as a group for special treatment in int ernational agricultural trade relations. Second, it evaluates SIDS agricultural production, trade patterns and performance. Third, it appraises the agricultural preference regimes affecting SIDS and fourth, the policy issues related to SIDS countries in the context of the WTO and EU/ACP are addressed. The report presents conclusions and options related to promoting the agricultural trade and economic development in SIDS.
Available inEnglish
ThemeAgricultural Commodities and Development
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
SeriesFAO Commodity and Trade Technical Paper
Areas of workEmerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
KeywordsSmall Island Developing States