شعبة الأسواق والتجارة

Meat Market Review: Price and policy update, August 2021

Year of publication2021
Abstract The FAO Meat Price Index averaged 110.3 points in July, up marginally from June, putting the index 19.6 percent above the corresponding month last year. In July, quotations for poultry meat rose the most, underpinned by increased imports by East Asia amidst limited production expansions in some producer regions, while those of ovine meat increased on high import purchases and seasonally declining supplies from Oceania. Bovine meat prices also strengthened, reflecting the tightening of global markets due to lower supplies from major producing regions and continued high imports, especially by China. Conversely, pig meat prices fell, following a decline in imports by China, notwithstanding limited supplies from Germany due to the spread of African swine fever in some pig farms.
Available inEnglish
ThemeAgricultural Commodities and Development
Product typeJournal; magazine; bulletin
SeriesMeat Market Review
Areas of workGlobal Commodity Markets
Keywordsmeat production; meat products; market prices; international trade; Coronavirinae; impact assessment