Markets and Trade

Crop Prospects and Food Situation #1, February 2010

Quarterly Global Report

Year of publication2010
AbstractLatest information confirms a further improvement in global cereal supply situation in the current 2009/10 marketing year. Another aboveaverage production in 2009 should exceed consumption by a significant margin and total cereal inventories are forecast to climb to an 8-year high. In several Sahelian and Eastern Africa countries, however, cereal and pasture production declined sharply and a difficult food security situation is anticipated this year in parts of Niger, Chad and northern Nigeria. Pastoralist and agro-pastoralist populations in Kenya, Ethiopia and Eritrea, also face food difficulties due to successive seasons of poor rains. In Haiti, the food security situation has worsened dramatically following the earthquake on 12th January, despite a generally good food production in 2009. Food assistance is being provided to 2 million people. Provision of agricultural inputs for the next main planting from March is urgently needed. Overall, food emergencies currently affect 33 countries around the world.
Available inEnglish
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
SeriesCrop Prospects and Food Situation
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsStocks; yields; agricultural products; yield forecasting; agricultural situation; diffusion of information; weather; disasters; food crops; trade; food supply; emergency relief; cereals; production; international trade; cereal crops; food stocks; imports;