Markets and Trade

Crop Prospects and Food Situation #5, December 2008

Year of publication2008
AbstractAs the year draws to a close, FAO’s latest estimates confirm that a new record high level of global cereal production was achieved in 2008, sufficient to cover the expected increase in utilization in 2008/09 and also allow for a moderate replenishment of world reserves. Most of the increase in production this year has been among the developed countries, with that in the developing countries rising just marginally. In the developing group, outputs rose somewhat more among the Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries, especially in countries where agriculture production support was provided by governments.
Available inEnglish
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
SeriesCrop Prospects and Food Situation
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsStocks; yields; agricultural products; yield forecasting; agricultural situation; diffusion of information; weather; disasters; food crops; trade; food supply; emergency relief; cereals; production; international trade; cereal crops; food stocks; imports;