Markets and Trade

GIEWS Update - The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 9 July 2018

Food supply and demand outlook in 2017/18 (November/October)

Year of publication2018
Other entities involvedWFP; JRC-EC
AbstractAggregate crop production in 2017/18 is forecast at 5.5 million tonnes, 5 percent below the 2016/17 level. Production prospects for the 2017/18 early season crops are favourable, partially compensating the reduced main season output gathered in October 2017 that was affected by dry weather conditions. The overall cereal deficit for the 2017/18 marketing year (November/October) is forecast at about 652 000 tonnes, well above the previous year’s already high level, reflecting an anticipated reduction in domestic output and imports.
Available inEnglish
Product typeNewsletter
SeriesGIEWS - Updates
CountryDemocratic People's Republic of Korea
RegionAsia and the Pacific
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsCrop production; drought; imports; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.