Mercados y Comercio

Meat Market Review: 2019 Outlook, December 2019

Year of publication2019
AbstractGlobal meat output is forecast at 335 million tonnes (in carcass weight equivalent) in 2019, 1 percent lower than in 2018. This marks a departure from the stable growth trend recorded over the past two decades and indicates a sharper fall than anticipated in May, principally due to a deeper than earlier expected impact of African Swine Fever (ASF) in China and its spread to several East Asian countries. World meat exports is forecast at 36 million tonnes in 2019, up 6.7 percent from 2018, principally driven by increased imports by China due to domestic tightness caused by ASF-related production losses. The FAO Meat Price Index measured by the FAO Meat Price Index, have continued to register moderate month-on-month increases since the start of 2019, with pig meat, frozen in particular, recording the sharpest rise due to the surge in import demand by China. Poultry, ovine and bovine meat prices strengthened, also supported by stronger Asian demand.
Available inEnglish
ThemeAgricultural Commodities and Development
Product typeJournal; magazine; bulletin
SeriesMeat Market Review
Areas of workGlobal Commodity Markets
Keywordsmeat production; meat products; market prices; exports; forecasting