Mercados y Comercio

Crop Prospects and Food Situation #4, November 2009

Quarterly Global Report

Year of publication2009
AbstractFAO’s latest forecast confirms a good 2009 world cereal production, slightly below last year’s record level, which coupled with large carryover stocks from the previous season have resulted in ample market supplies. In the group of 77 Low-Income Food-Deficit countries the 2009 aggregate cereal production is forecast marginally below last year’s record level. A sharp reduction in India’s rice crop is anticipated but generally good crops are estimated elsewhere. International prices of wheat and maize, which had returned to normal levels by September, strengthened in October. Rice export prices continued to decline from the 2008 peak but remain well above pre-crisis levels. In LIFDCs food prices remain, in general, significantly higher than in the pre-food price crisis period of two years earlier, which continues to give rise to concern for the food security of vulnerable populations.
Available inEnglish
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
SeriesCrop Prospects and Food Situation
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsStocks; yields; agricultural products; yield forecasting; agricultural situation; diffusion of information; weather; disasters; food crops; trade; food supply; emergency relief; cereals; production; international trade; cereal crops; food stocks; imports;