Mercados y Comercio

GIEWS Special Alert No. 348 - East Africa, 18 November 2021

In Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, severe and prolonged dry weather conditions raise food security concerns

Year of publication2021
AbstractSevere dryness in October and in the first half of November 2021 in several areas of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia had a negative impact on crop planting and germination. According to weather forecasts, the remainder of the October–December rainy season is likely to be characterized by below-average rainfall amounts, as a result cereal production is expected at below‑average levels. Significant rainfall deficits since early October 2020 have severely affected pastoral areas and drought is causing widespread shortages of water and pasture with an increase in animal emaciation and deaths. The food insecurity situation is expected to deteriorate in the coming months, with the number of severely food insecure people estimated at 2.4 million in Kenya and 3.5 million in Somalia in late 2021. Further increases are likely in early 2022. It is urgently needed to scale up livelihood support and food assistance interventions as recurrent climatic shocks have largely undermined household resilience.
Available inEnglish
Product typeNewsletter
SeriesGIEWS - Special Alerts
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsCrop production; drought; food security; markets; trade; Ethiopia; Kenya; Somalia.