Marchés et commerce

Market structure and distribution of benefits from agricultural exports : the case of the philippine mango industry

FAO Commodity and Trade Policy Research Working Paper No. 42

Year of publication2013
AbstractTo illuminate the role of agro-export industry in inclusive growth, this case study on Philippine mango focuses on the role of market structure in the distribution of export benefits. It is based on review of industry trends and related studies, open-ended interviews of key informants, and structured interviews of respondents situated along the value chain. The distribution of trade benefits is hypothesized to depend on both vertical and horizontal market structure. The former implies that a contracting relationship or vertical integration is a mechanism to elevate product quality to export grade. The latter implies that economies of scale are a factor in mango exporting, at the marketing and processing stages. It is noteworthy that there are no discernible economies of scale at the primary level, which accounts for the prevalence of smallholder growing at the production stage.
Available inEnglish
ThemeAgricultural Commodities and Development
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
SeriesFAO Commodity and Trade Policy Research Working Paper
Areas of workEmerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities