Marchés et commerce

Meat Market Review: Overview of global meat market developments, March 2021

Year of publication2021
Abstract The Meat Market Review, March 2021 issue presents an overview of global meat market developments in 2020, including trends in international meat prices, global meat production and trade in meat and meat products. International meat prices fell in 2020, reflecting price declines across all meat types, underpinned by widespread import curtailments by many meat importing countries due to pandemic-related economic downturns, transport bottlenecks and foreign reserve limitations. Increased export availabilities in exporting countries owing to reduced food services sales and lower internal demand also depressed international meat prices. Regarding meat production, world meat output remained stable, despite pandemic related issues and impacts of African swine fever. The total world meat trade increased, albeit slowly. Fuelled by strong demand from East Asia, world trade in pig meat rose, but weak demand and limited supplies resulted in lower bovine and ovine meat trade. Despite market disruptions, world trade in poultry meat remained stable.
Available inEnglish
ThemeAgricultural Commodities and Development
Product typeJournal; magazine; bulletin
SeriesMeat Market Review
Keywordsmeat products; market prices; trade; forecasting