Marchés et commerce

Meat Market Review: April 2018

Year of publication2018
AbstractWorld meat output, comprising bovine, pig, poultry and ovine meat, is estimated at 330 million tonnes in 2017, an increase of 1 percent from 2016. Among the main meat producing countries, total meat output expanded in the United States (+2.8%), Brazil (+2.1%), the Russian Federation (+4%), Argentina (+4.8%), Mexico (+3.5%), India (+2.7); stagnated in China and the EU; but declined in South Africa (-2.5%). Across the main meat categories, poultry meat output - the most widely produced meat reached 120.5 million tonnes in 2017, up 1.1 percent from 2016; followed by pig meat (118.7 million tonnes, +0.7%); bovine meat (70.8 million tonnes, +1.5%); and ovine meat (14.9 million tonnes, +1.3%). World meat exports in 2017 reached 32.7 million tonnes, 2.7 percent higher than in 2016. Meat exports increased especially in the United States (+5.6%), Turkey (+36.3%), Argentina (+22%) and Thailand (+8.8%), but declined in the EU (-3.4%), Chile (-9.5%), South Africa (-8.3%). Meat imports expanded mainly in Japan (+9.4), the Russian Federation (+10.4%), Viet Nam (+7.7%) and Angola (+25.3%), but declined in China (-6.3%), Saudi Arabia (-11%), the EU (-4.2%) and Canada (-1.8%). Across the main meat categories, in 2017 world trade expanded in bovine, poultry and ovine meat, but pig meat trade declined. With this development, poultry meat has become the most widely produced and internationally traded meat type in the world. The average international meat price increased by nearly 9 percent in 2017 over 2016. Meat export prices increased moderately from January to June 2017 but began levelling off afterwards and eased eventually. Strong import demand underpinned moderate price increases in the first half of the year, but between July and December, sluggish import demand and rises in export availabilities weighed on meat prices. Meat price increases in the first half of the year resulted in the average annual price for the whole year to exceed that of 2016. Across the meat categories, the average international price in 2017 for ovine meat rose by 25.6 percent, pig meat by 9.8 percent, poultry meat by 8.4 percent and bovine meat by 6.3 percent. Ovine meat prices rose due to strong import demand that outpaced export supplies from Oceania. Global markets for bovine, pig and poultry meat were well supplied, especially in the second half of the year
Available inEnglish
ThemeAgricultural Commodities and Development
Product typeJournal; magazine; bulletin
SeriesMeat Market Review
Areas of workGlobal Commodity Markets
Keywordsmeat; meat products; meat production; market research