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Special Report – 2020 FAO Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) to the Republic of the Sudan

2 April 2021

Year of publication2021
AbstractWith the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other partners, including the World Food Programme (WFP), the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) and USAID, between 17 December 2020 and 3 January 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR) carried out its annual assessment Mission to determine crop production and food supply situation throughout the 18 states of the country. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictive measures introduced to contain it, the methodology was modified, with institutions of the Federal Government, normally conducting the survey, delegating to staff at State level the task of collecting all the requested data, under the supervision of federal staff from the Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS) and the General Directorate of Planning and Agricultural Economics (GDPAE).
Available inEnglish
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
SeriesGIEWS - Special Reports
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsAgricultural sector; crop production; food supply; early warning systems; assessment; Sudan