Marchés et commerce

GIEWS Update - South America, 15 July 2020

Outbreaks of locusts could threaten wheat and barley crops in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay

Year of publication2020
AbstractIn late May 2020, a locust outbreak was reported in northeastern provinces of Formosa, Santa Fé and Corrientes in Argentina. Crop and pasture losses have been limited due to the implementation of effective control measures. If swarms move to key producing areas of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, they could threaten the main 2020 winter wheat and barley crops that will be harvested in the last quarter of the year. Intensification of surveillance and treatment activities are required to contain the situation and avoid significant crop losses.
Available inEnglish
Product typeNewsletter
SeriesGIEWS - Updates
RegionLatin America and the Caribbean
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsLocust outbreak; pasture losses; winter wheat; barley crops; Argentina; Brazil; Uruguay.