Marchés et commerce

GIEWS Update - Somalia, 23 February 2017

Joint Statement by FAO/WFP/FEWS NET/JRC: Persistent drought in Somalia leads to major food security crisis

Year of publication2017
AbstractA failed 2016 rainy season has led to extreme drought in the Horn of Africa and a more intense drought than that of 2010 in Somalia. Extreme weather conditions, combined with high food prices, trade disruptions, population displacement and insecurity, are likely to have a very severe impact on the food security of millions of people in Somalia in the coming months. The ongoing food crisis could be exacerbated by a poor rainfall season in 2017.
Available inEnglish
Product typeNewsletter
SeriesGIEWS - Updates
Areas of workGlobal Information and Early Warning System
KeywordsDrought; prices; food security; Horn of Africa; Somalia.