
Regional Initiatives for Europe and Central Asia

Year of publication2018
AbstractFAO ’s three Regional Initiatives for Europe and Central Asia address interlinked issues to ensure the contribution of agriculture to achieve the universality of the Sustainable Development Goals. For this reason, technical teams in the region and at FAO headquarters work in close collaboration to support countries in achieving their goals. Initiatives 1 and 3 complement each other on ensuring that smallholders and family farmers share equitably in the benefits of improved productivity and resilience. Initiatives 2 and 3 work together on creating a policy environment that enables sustainable production and pasture management, on developing investment programmes for Climate-Smart Agriculture, on organic farming, and on reducing food losses and waste.
Available inEnglish
ThemeEurope and Central Asia Trade Policy
Product typeBook (stand-alone)
RegionEurope and Central Asia
Areas of workTrade Policy and Partnerships
KeywordsSustainable Development Goals; smallholders; family farming; agricultural productivity; resilience; climate-smart agriculture